Q&A-session: Are you fit for our ACCESS TO MARKET Program?

Get ready to apply to our new ACCESS TO MARKET Program, where you get access to NIRAS experts, projects and selected clientsQ&A-session: This Q&A-session is your change to learn more about the details of the program, the application process and ask questions like… What does the program consist of?Are you at the right stage?What to […]



We will KICKSTART our ACCESS TO MARKET Program, with our cohort of 14 startups working within Construction, Food & Bev and Green Planning and Data. Startups will present their solution on the stage in NIRAS Green Tech Hub's Event Space. 9:00 – 9:30: Registration, croissant & coffee 9:30 – 10:00: Welcome by NIRAS Green Tech Hub Team 10:00 – […]


Launch Reception: Paperclouds & Light Courtyard

NIRAS Green Tech Hub Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Launch Reception: Paperclouds & Light Courtyard Paperclouds presented by Jahmuna McClean, designer Light Courtyard presented by Martin Hedevang Andersen, ORCA You are invited to celebrate the simultaneous launch of our Paperclouds and Light Courtyard with us in NIRAS Green Tech Hub. We will celebrate with a light dinner and drinks, while the designers of the respective […]

Dansk Industri – Erhvervspolitisk Topmøde

NIRAS Green Tech Hub Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Hvordan kan kommuner og virksomheder i fællesskab løfte den grønne omstilling? DI Hovedstadens Erhvervspolitiske Topmøde 2022 stiller skarpt på, hvordan virksomheder og kommuner kan navigere i en tid, hvor presset for handling aldrig har været større. Vi spørger lokale virksomheder, folkevalgte og eksperter, hvor virksomheder og kommuner med fordel kan trykke speederen i bund, hvor […]

Insights Discovery Workshop: Life Science & Food Graduates

We are welcoming new Life Science & Food Graduates in NIRAS. 12 Graduates have been admitted to NIRAS' graduate program within the departments BU, FOOD, LIPD and LICO. We look much forward to kickstarting the graduate program with a breakfast, presentation and our Insights Discovery® Workshop.   NB! Internal event 

Eco Island Demo Launch: Installation of floating island

DEMO Launch of an Eco Island in NIRAS' own water basin As part of the Access To Market Program 2022, the startup Eco Island will launch their demo on NIRAS' own water basin in Allerød. The launch will be filmed and documented, as part of the collaboration initiative between Eco Island & NIRAS.   Hear […]

Seminar: Tourism in Denmark

NIRAS facilitates a seminar on Tourism in Denmark, especially targeting municipalities.  Facilitated by Morten Møller, Market Director NIRAS. Situated: NIRAS Green Tech Hub, Event Space


NIRAS Green Tech Hub - Event Space Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Come celebrate 13 startups' results from their 10-week corporate collaboration and joint projects with NIRAS and NIRAS clients.  Throughout 10 weeks, our 13 selected startups in the ACCESS TO MARKET Program, have been working directly with NIRAS Project Owners. This has, amongst other things, led to customized projects, demos and NIRAS client-startup collaborations.  We are so happy to be able to share these 13 […]

Morningwebinar with Leapcraft: How IoT and Cloud Software Strategy Enables a Sustainable Built Environment

Description: What if your building could speak to you? Leapcraft designs and develops sensors, BIM integrated software and reporting tools to help owners, tenants, and operators gather insights about indoor climate, HVAC performance, lighting design, acoustics, and energy performance in a unified way. At the webinar Leapcraft will show examples of how simple and easy […]


It’s been a year… Can you believe it! The NIRAS Green Tech Hub opened on September 1st 2021, and since then a lot of stuff has happened! We will be celebrating with the best people – our startups, NIRAS people, partners and friends of the house - with lunch, bubbles and cake in our Event Space! We […]

Seminar: Sound in Urban Planning

NIRAS Green Tech Hub - Event Space Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Form: Seminar / Date: 28 September / Time:15.00 – 18.00 / Price: Free / Language: English/Danish Speakers & panelists Arnthrudur Gisladottir, Niras A/S Marie Koldkjær Højlund, AU Morten Roar Berg, Saint-Gobain Martin Hallberg, Efterklang (AFRY) Maria Mónica Ballesteros Villareal , PhD student at DTU/ Rockwool Mads Bolberg, Rockwool Morten Melberg, Søuld Participant profile Acousticians in the consulting industry/engineering, urban […]

ATV – Forum for Sustainability: Scaling and sustainable impact via innovation and partnerships

NIRAS Green Tech Hub - Event Space Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Scaling and sustainable impact via innovation and partnerships NIRAS Green Tech Hub are hosting ATM's Forum for Sustainability, focusing on "Scaling & sustainable impact via innovation and partnerships" Monday 28th of November in the Event Space. PROGRAM 14.30 – Welcome Ulla Röttger, chairman, ATV steering group Technology for Sustainability 14.40 – NIRAS Green Tech Hub: […]

IP Rights in the green field: Co-host AWA

NIRAS Green Tech Hub - Event Space Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

IP Rights in the green field - co-hosted by AWA What do we need to be aware of when innovating in the green field? What does it takes? What is challenging in regards to rights? And what are the latests trends in patent filing in the green field? NIRAS Green Tech Hub's partner and startup […]

Open Hub Day

NIRAS Green Tech Hub Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, activities and community? Sign up for our Open Hub Day via Linkedin where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do it - Ask questions - Bring project ideas - […]

Talk & Workshop: Robotic Process Automation and BIM

Are you eager to figure out how to optimise manual work processes with automation? Participate in the workshop 1 February in NIRAS' Green Tech Hub. Here, NIRAS A/S and ConTech Lab introduce the construction industry to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and select three companies that will be helped to automate a manual work process within BIM. […]

Brand Building Workshop for Green Tech Startups w. Lars Busekist

Don’t Build a Startup – Build a Brand Learn the secrets big global companies use, to scale your own start- or scaleup much faster. Aim: Securing funding involves convincing investors of your vision and persuading them to buy into it. Convincing and persuading is exactly what big brands have secretly known how to do very well, and […]

Open Hub Day

Are you curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, activities, partnerships and community? Sign up for our Open Hub Day 15th of March at 10:00-12:00 where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do it - Ask […]

Green Tech Pitch Event w. DanBAN & Danske Bank

Den 25. maj afholdes DanBAN pitch event i samarbejde med NIRAS Green Tech Hub og Danske Bank. I Event Space vil I kunne opleve en række iværksættere præsentere deres grønne og bæredygtige løsninger. Efter hvert pitch er det muligt at stille uddybende spørgsmål. Til eventet vil I kunne opleve pitches med henblik på investeringer, møde […]

Open Hub Day

Are you curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, activities, partnerships and community? Sign up for our Open Hub Day 20th of June at 10:00-12:00 where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do it - Ask […]

UIA World Congress of Architects

Urban Studio, Hub Resident, moderating the following session: https://uia2023cph.org/tours/bevica-musholm-universal-design-during-vacation-time/  

PwC Partner Workshop – Incentive Programs

NIRAS Green Tech Hub - Event Space Sortemosevej 19, Allerød, Denmark

Incentive schemes in fast growing companies Your way to master the principles of designing purposeful schemes   HOST: PwC - Mads Lundemann, Director and affiliated advisor in NIRAS Green Tech Hub AIM: At the workshop you will gain insights and in-depth understanding of incentive scheme, theirimpact and how they can purposefully be designed. We will […]


Are you curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, activities, projects, partnerships and community? Then sign up for our Open Hub Day 20th of June at 10:00-12:00 where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do it […]

Tech BBQ


Workshop: Navigating the Danish and EU Public Funding Landscape for GreenTech Startups / hosted by Thursday Consulting

Workshop: Navigating the Danish and EU Public Funding Landscape for GreenTech Startups   Hosts: Thursday Consulting   Purpose: To equip GreenTech startups with the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate public funding opportunities, especially within European grant schemes. Outcome: Participants will leave the event with a fundamental understanding of the eligibility criteria for public grant […]

‘TAKE RESPONSIBILITY’ – Award Show hosted by Lederne

Sophie Bech, our Hub Director are nominated for the 'TAKE RESPONSIBILITY'-price within the category ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Vote for here: https://da.eu.research.net/r/3M98SS9 At the award show we will celebrate all the rolemodels and frontrunners within four different categories, where entrepreneurship is one of them.   Read more: https://www.lederne.dk/lokalafdelinger/lederne-hovedstaden/arrangementer/tag-ansvar-prisen-2023  

Digital Tech Summit


COWI Co-Creator Startup Expo 2023

Collecting inspiration at an exciting showcase of innovation and collaboration at COWI, featuring nine dynamic startups and their partners.

Open Hub Day

Are you curious about NIRAS GREEN TECH HUB, our startups, facilities, activities, projects, partnerships and community? Then sign up for our Open Hub Day 14th of November at 10:00-12:00 where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do […]

SPARK – Sustainability, Partnerships & Knowledge

Programme for the day: 12.30  Networking and lunch 13.00 Welcome - by NIRAS, CEO, Carsten Toft Boesen 13.10  SPARK talk #1 “ Novo Nordisk – working with preferred suppliers as a prerequisite for implementation of Circular for Zero”, Anne Ingwar-Oppenhagen, Manager, Sustainable Procurement, Finance, Legal and Global Solutions, Novo Nordisk 13.40  SPARK talk #2 “Partnerships as a prerequisite for a green […]


Sign up via LinkedIn or to STMS@niras.dk    

DTU Startup Day


Grønne Partnerskaber i Byggeriet, co-hostet med DI & ConTech Lab.

Hvor: 29. maj 2024 at 14:00-17:00 // Hvorhenne: NIRAS Green Tech Hub (Event Space), Sortemosevej 21, 3450 Allerød Partnerskaber får øget opmærksomhed som en tilgang til innovation – men hvad kan de tilbyde og hvilken effekt har de i en konservativ branche som byggeriet?  Bliv klogere, når vi laver showcase hos NIRAS Green Tech Hub i Allerød 29. […]


Are you curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, mentorcorps, activities, methods, partnerships or our community? Sign up for our Open Hub Day 12th of June at 9:00-11:00 where you can: - Meet the residents in the Hub - Meet the Hub Team - Hear more about what we do and how we do […]


Are you curious about NIRAS Green Tech Hub, our startups, mentorcorps, activities, methods, partnerships or our community? Sign up for our Open Hub Day 21th of August at 9:00-11:00 where you can: – Meet the residents in the Hub – Meet the Hub Team – Hear more about what we do and how we do […]

BIM World Copenhagen


FoodTech 2024, Herning


DTU Funding Bazaar

https://dtusciencepark.com/event/funding-bazaar/ Dates 2024 - TBA

Workshop: The Green Tech Funding Landscape w/Canute by Thursday

THE GREEN TECH FUNDING LANDSCAPE NAVIGATING THE DANISH & EUROPEAN PUBLIC FUNDING LANDSCAPE FOR GREEN TECH STARUPS  Host: Canute by Thursday Purpose:  To equip GreenTech startups with the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate public funding opportunities, especially within the Danish and European grant schemes.  Outcome: At the workshop the Danish and European public funding […]