UIA World Congress of Architects

Urban Studio, Hub Resident, moderating the following session: https://uia2023cph.org/tours/bevica-musholm-universal-design-during-vacation-time/  

Tech BBQ


Workshop: Navigating the Danish and EU Public Funding Landscape for GreenTech Startups / hosted by Thursday Consulting

Workshop: Navigating the Danish and EU Public Funding Landscape for GreenTech Startups   Hosts: Thursday Consulting   Purpose: To equip GreenTech startups with the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate public funding opportunities, especially within European grant schemes. Outcome: Participants will leave the event with a fundamental understanding of the eligibility criteria for public grant […]


Sign up via LinkedIn or to STMS@niras.dk    

Grønne Partnerskaber i Byggeriet, co-hostet med DI & ConTech Lab.

Hvor: 29. maj 2024 at 14:00-17:00 // Hvorhenne: NIRAS Green Tech Hub (Event Space), Sortemosevej 21, 3450 Allerød Partnerskaber får øget opmærksomhed som en tilgang til innovation – men hvad kan de tilbyde og hvilken effekt har de i en konservativ branche som byggeriet?  Bliv klogere, når vi laver showcase hos NIRAS Green Tech Hub i Allerød 29. […]

DTU Funding Bazaar

https://dtusciencepark.com/events/funding-bazaar-2023/ Dates 2024 - TBA

Digital Tech Summit
